Saving My Skin

I’m 23…that means next year, I’ll be in my MID-20s. WOW. I know that I’m still relatively young, but I’m slowly accepting the fact that I need to take preemptive steps to keep myself looking toned, tanned, fit, and/or ready. One of those steps is taking care of my skin.

I didn’t have acne as a teenager, and it wasn’t until university that I started struggling with breakouts. Again, relative term…I am very lucky to have avoided severe acne. Lately I’ve been noticing a few extra breakouts, some oiliness, and general changes in my skin texture. It’s a bit of a kick in the butt to make some lasting changes to my skin routine! Here are the three changes I suggest you make in your early 20s (or sooner!) to keep your skin looking #Flawless.

1. Listen to Your Mother
IDK why I refused to take my mom’s advice as a teenager, but I’m starting to realize that she was right sometimes (mom, don’t let this go to your head). Remember when you were told to wear sunscreen, never sleep with your makeup on, and to quit touching your face? …She may have been onto something. Listen to your mom and hit the SPF, take an extra 5 minutes to wash your makeup off before bed, and keep your hands to yourself. These are tips that we all know and often ignore, so I need to implement them to try and make a difference in my skin. I can proudly say that I NEVER sleep in my makeup, but I can barely remember the last time I wore sunscreen. Baby steps?

2. Stop the Pop
Girl. I KNOW that there are few things more satisfying than squeezing a really good pimple. TMI? Y’all know you do it too. But we have GOT to stop. I’ve noticed that it’s taking a bit longer for my skin to bounce back from a breakout, and the scars are taking longer to disappear. I read that when you try to squeeze a pimple, sometimes it bursts under the skin…SO GROSS! It can cause an infection and ultimately be worse than the original pimple. Bite the bullet, put some zit cream on it, and let ‘er be.

3. Invest, Invest, Invest
This one is twofold:
– Invest money in the good stuff.
– Invest time in figuring out what is worth investing money in.
Some products are worth coughing up the dough…they’re pricy for a reason! But it’s important to take the time to figure out what high-end products work for your skin. This means putting in the effort to figure out your skin type…as I said before, my skin has decided to go all Greased Lightning on me, so this is new territory. The next step is taking a stroll through your drug store, reading online reviews, and watching some YouTube videos. By putting in the research, you’re less likely to waste money on shit that doesn’t work and find the best bang for your buck.

Here are a few of my favourite products that have been saving my skin…remember, what works for me may not work for you! Do some research & test things out before making an investment. Luckily none of my favourite products break the bank, but I do have my eye on the Fresh Sugar Face Polish…some day…

Calling all 20-somethings (and beyond): what are some of your tips for maintaining youthful and healthy skin? Expert (and not-so-expert) advice is much appreciated.