Netflix Pix

To binge-watch or not to binge-watch…that is the question. Let’s get real, the answer is always “to binge-watch”. With the popularity of Netflix and other online TV websites, it is so easy to fall into this trap: “Just one more episode…”

YEAH RIGHT. One episode turns into two, and two turns into “shit I just finished the entire series and I have lost all perception of space and time.” It happens to the best of us, and to be honest it is a perfectly healthy way to spend a weekend after a long week at work…right?

With all of my shows wrapping up for their mid-season hiatuses (peace out, Walking Dead, Grey’s, Scandal, HTGAWM, AHS…I have a problem…) I’m on the look-out for new shows to immerse myself in until live TV returns in February. There are a TON of shows that I’ve been meaning to watch, but when the time comes I end up watching reruns of The Hills. Without further ado, here are my Netflix picks for the coming winter season.

1. House of Cards
I swear I am the only person on this planet who has not seen House of Cards. It’s one of those shows that I want to devote my full attention to, and so I’ve put it off. NO LONGER. I vow to spend some quality time with Kevin Spacey this winter.

2. The Good Wife
Another recommendation from lovers of Scandal and political dramas is The Good Wife. I’ve heard nothing but good things, and I love me a good strong, independent leading lady. Also Alan Cumming is in it…say no more!

3. True Detective
Gotta catch up before season 2 begins! From what I hear, True Detective is addictive…exactly what I need. Alright alright alright!

4. Once Upon A Time
Sorry, dad…you’re busted. My dad LOVES Once Upon A Time, and tells me that I would LOVE it…mostly because there is a season devoted to Wicked, and now Frozen. I trust my dad’s taste in supernatural TV shows (we share a love for werewolves) so I’m looking forward to giving this one a shot.

Seen all of these? Then here are a few of my fave Netflix shows that you may have missed:

1. House of Lies
Not to be confused with House of Cards, House of Lies is incredible. It’s the perfect mix of humor and drama, and Kristen Bell is perfection (as usual).

2. Orange is the New Black
What, have you been living under a rock? If you haven’t seen OITNB (I’m looking at you, mom) then I highly suggest devoting an entire day to watch both complete seasons…once you start, it is legitimately impossible to stop.

3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Looking for a good “I’m sick/hungover/multi-tasking and want to watch something mindless” show? Look no further! Brooklyn 99 is HILARIOUS and serves as the perfect “only half-paying-attention” sitcom.