Finally Friday

After a stressful week from hell, I need a stiff drink and a nap (in no particular order). For once I will actually be leaving my apartment and being social…I need to prepare myself for this major life change. In the meantime, I’ll be listening to this killer rendition of Let it Go and hopefully kicking it into high gear with planning blog posts. If you have any wicked ideas for blog posts, let me know! I’m always looking for fresh things to write about. Until next time, TTFN, ta ta for now!

No I’m not over Frozen…Shoshana is the QUEEEEEN.

Bath time is the best time.

Bath time is the best time.

It wouldn't be a week on The Clydescope without a few cute puppies...via French Bulldogs Rule.

It wouldn’t be a week on The Clydescope without a few cute puppies…via French Bulldogs Rule.

Taco Tuesday brought to you by Chef Stef.

Taco Tuesday brought to you by Chef Stef.

This puppy seriously has my heart.

This puppy seriously has my heart.

Tofu Scramble from The Sleepless Goat.

Tofu Scramble from The Sleepless Goat.

Calligraphy lesson via Anqituaria Vintage.

Calligraphy lesson via Anqituaria Vintage.

I swear someone wrote this exclusively for me. Via Byrdie.

I swear someone wrote this exclusively for me. Via Byrdie.